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Dr. Anju R
- M.D. Biochemistry: Passed with Distinction (70 .2%) in April 2017, Government Medical College, Baroda, Maharaja Sayajirao University. (Reg No: 49925)
- M.B.B.S: Passed with 74.6% in September 2012, Government medical college, Kottayam, Mahatma Gandhi University. Reg No : 49925 dated 31/01/2014
- Worked as an Assistant Professor in Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences from 13/05/2019 to 30/05/2020 (1 year and 18 days)
- Worked as a Tutor in Government Medical College, Vadodara, from 10/05/2018 to 01/04/2019. (10 months)
- Worked as a Tutor in Parul Institute of Medical Sciences and Research from 17/07/2017 to 09/05//2018(9 months and 23 days)
- Three years of teaching experience as a resident doctor since 2014 onwards (MBBS, MLT, BSc Nursing and Physiotherapy students).
- Worked in NABL Accredited Lab- DDRC SRL(Referral lab, Panampilly Nagar) from 01/06/2020 to 27/12/2021
Trained in handling Fully automated biochemistry analyzers-- Cobas 501,
- Cobas Integra 400 plus,
- Variant II Turbo Systems HbA1C Analyzer
- Mini Vidas,
- BN Prospec,
- Semiautomated analyser
- Sebia Capillary electrophoresis.
- Trained in handling Fully automated hormone analyzers
- Cobas 601
- Centaur XP
- Immulite 2000.
- Trained in reporting prenatal screening methods- Double Marker and Triple Marker.
- Trained in reporting Capillary Protein Electrophoresis.
- Trained in reporting Immunotyping electrophoresis.
- Trained in reporting Hemoglobin variant analysis.
- Trained in Unity software
- Worked in Clinical Chemistry laboratory at Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences along with the academics.
- Worked In NABL Accredited CLINICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY from 2014 to 2017
- Sample collection, transport and preservation
- Care, operation, principle and maintenance of different instruments
- Worked with various Semi-auto and fully automated analyzers
- Blood-gas analyzer, electrolyte analyzers
- ELISA reader and washer
- Well-versed with NABL documentation and accreditation related work.
- Quality Control In Clinical Laboratory
- Preparation of levels of documents(Quality manual, SOPs, Forms and formats, WDIs)
- Making controls
- Daily QC assessment
- Derive mean, SD, CV%
- Generation and interpretation of LEVY-JENNING graphs
- Derivation of laboratory range
- Performed corrective action, if required
- Participation in EQAS/IQAS
- Monthly review meeting with in-charge laboratory and laboratory head regarding problems and shortcoming in quality control management.
- In PG Research Laboratory
Various PG oriented exercises and research works performed with the help of spectrophotometer, electrophoresis, chromatographic techniques specially pertaining to inborn metabolic diseases screening program. - Worked In Various Laboratories As a Part of Curriculum During Post Graduation like
- Pathology Laboratory
- Microbiology Laboratory
- Serology Laboratory
- Blood Bank
- Swine Flu special Laboratory
- Clinical departments like Medicine, Surgery, Gynaecology and Paediatrics
- First rank MD Biochemistry- MS University Baroda, 2017
- 4th Prize in National level Biochemistry Quiz (Ambicon 2015)
- CME & conference attended:
- Training on Quality control conducted by Bio-Rad
- AMBIBIOCON 2015 Moving from basics to advanced biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry, Lokmanyatilak municipal college and general hospital, Sion, Mumbai.27th to 28th feb. 2015
- 23rd Annual Conference of Association of Medical Biochemists of India, by Pandit B. D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, dated 19/11/2015 to 22/11/2015CME on
- E-learning in medical education, Sumandeep medical college, Baroda 29 April, 2016.
- Training on Quality Management and Internal Audit as per NABH Standards conducted by HELP, Karamsad Medical College. 29- 30th September 2016.
- 4 days training on Quality Management system as per ISO 15189 standards conducted by Government of Gujarat, GMERS medical college, Gandhinagar. 5th - 8th June 2017