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Dr. Naveen Thomas
Consultant DermatologistOP Timing
Monday - Saturday
9.00 AM - 2.00 PM, 2.30 - 6.00 PM
Dr. Naveen Thomas is a consultant Dermatologist and aesthetic surgeon at Medical trust Hospital, Cochin. After finishing his MBBS and MD from St. Johns Medical College Hospital, Bangalore and DNB – DVL from National Board of Education, he pursued his interest in cosmetic and procedural dermatology by undergoing exclusive Dermatosurgery fellowship training at St. Johns Medical College Hospital, Bangalore. He was also selected for the aesthetic for the aesthetic surgery fellowship programme by Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venerologists and Leprologists which he completed under the guidance of Dr. Subrato Malakar in Kolkata. He has been contributing significantly to the World of Dermatology by authoring various chapters in dermatology textbooks and also many articles in various International and National journals. He has presented many papers and won many awards, both at International and National Conferences including ‘Galadari award’ at 16th World Dermatology and Laser Conference held in Dubai. He is also one of the reviewers for Indian Journal of Dermatology.
- MBBS – St. Johns Medical College, Bangalore, 2010.
- MD – St. Johns Medical College, Bangalore, 2015
- FRGUHS (Dermatosurgery) - St. Johns Medical College, Bangalore, 2015-2016.
- DNB – National Board of Examination, India, 2016.
- IADVL fellowship – Rita Skin Foundation, Kolkata, 2016.
- Fellowship in Hair Transplantation
- Medical dermatology
- Paediatric dermatology
- Cosmetology
- Lasers
- Anti-ageing therapies
- Facial rejuvenation
- Acne including acne scar revision
- Disorders of pigmentations
- Hair Transplantation
- Vitiligo surgeries, hair and nail disorders
- Resident medical officer at Fathima Hospital, Ernakulam from 2010 to 2011
- Resident medical officer at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Thrissur from 2011 to 2012
- Junior resident in Department of Dermatology at St. Johns Medical College Hospital, Bangalore from April, 2012 – April, 2015.
- Senior Resident in Department of Dermatology at St. Johns Medical College Hospital, Bangalore 2015-2016
- Member of International Society of Dermatology
- Member of Association of Cutaneous Surgeons of India
- Member of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprosits.
- Dermapath Society of India
- Member of Bangalore Dermatological Society.
- Galadari Award for best paper at Dubai Derma, 16th World Dermatology and Laser Conference & Exhibition held in Dubai, U.A.E. in April 2016
- Best e-poster award at ACSICON 2016, National Conference of Association of cutaneous surgeons of India held at Mahabaleshwar in April, 2016.
- Best paper presentation at Dermazone South 2014, 18th Conference of IADVL South Zone held at Pondicherry in September, 2014.
- Best e-poster award at Cuticon 2014, 5th Annual Conference of IADVL – Karnataka Branch held at Bijapur in November 2014.
- Best e-poster nominee at Dermacon 2015, the 43rd National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprosits – Dermacon, 2015 held in Mangalore in February 2015.
- Thomans N., Jithendriya M., Prakash A. Griscelli syndrome type 2: A silvery hair syndrome with hemophagocytosis: a case report. Pigment Int 2015; 2:48-50.
- Abraham A., Roga G., Thomas N. A pilot study: Nailing Indian elections with the indelible ink mark. Indian j Dermatol 2015; 60:562-5
- Deb S., Bhat P. I., Thomas N. Curious case of photos-disturbed verrucae in a renal transplant patient: Report of three cases. Indian J Dermatol 2016; 61:440-2.