Home / DEPARTMENTS / Gastroenterology

Dr. Sunil K. Mathai
Consultant GastroenterologistOP Timing
Monday - Sasturday
9.30 AM - 1.00 PM, 4.30 PM - 6.00 PM
- MBBS – Government Medical College, Trivandrum 1982 – 1987
- MD (Internal Medicine) – Government Medical College, Calicut 1989- 1991
- DM (Gastroenterology) – Government Medical College, Calicut 1991- 1993
- FRCP - Royal college of Physicians - London
- College- Pre Degree course ( Biology, Physics and Chemistry as subjects) Government Arts College, Trivandrum ,1979 – 1981
- School - Loyola school, Trivandrum – Passed out ICSE Indian Certificate for Secondary Education – 1978 . Was enrolled as National Cadet Corps ( NCC) for 1 year
- 2020 to 2023 ,Senior Consultant and HOD ,Health City Cayman Islands.
- 2000 to 2020: Consultant Gastroenterologist and Head of Department, Medical Trust Hospital, MG Road , Cochin.
- Consultant Gastroenterologist and Medical director - Devamatha Hospital Koothattukulam , Ernakulam District 1994 - 2000
- Recent advances in management of acute liver failure. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2015 Jan; 19(1): 27–33.
- Early diagnosis of IPSID using syndecam-1. Tropical gastroenterology. 2015; 35(3):195-196.
- Gastric antral polyps; A manifestation of portal hypertensive gastropathy. Indian J Gastroenterol (May–June 2013) 32(3):206–207
- Gastrointestinal Complications in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease—A 5-Year Retrospective Study from a Tertiary Referral Center.Renal Failure, 2012; Early Online: 1–7
- Trichuris Dysentery Syndrome. Letter to editor. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2011 4 (2) 148-149
- Intestinal Spirochetosis. Letter to Editor. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2010 53(4):902-903
- Epidemiology and Clinical profile of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in South India. APDW 2015, At Taiwan, Volume: Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2015; 30 (Suppl. 4): 111
- Microbiological Profile of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis in South India. CGH 2017P:15(1); 157
- Role of interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) in differentiating gastrointestinal tuberculosis from Crohn's disease. JOURNAL OF CROHN S AND COLITIS 8:S123 · FEBRUARY 2014
- Role of endoscopic biopsy in distinguishing between Crohn's disease and intestinal tuberculosis.
- Journal of Crohn s and Colitis 02/2014; 8:S122-S123.
- Differentiating Crohn’s disease from Intestinal Tuberculosis in a Tuberculosis endemic area. United European Gastroenterology Journal 2014 2(1S); A 211
- Differentiating Crohn’s disease from Intestinal Tuberculosis in a Tuberculosis endemic area.
- United European Gastroenterology Journal 2014 2(1S); A 211
- Utility of an Interferon Gamma release assay, TBFERON Gold (TBG) in diagnosing Ileocolonic Tuberculosis. United European Gastroenterology Journal 2014 2(1S); A 211
- Diagnostic utility of EUS guided FNAC of mediastinal lymphadenopathy Indian J Gastroenterol (November 2013) 32(Suppl 1)A131
- Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG): A single centre experience Indian J Gastroenterol (November 2013) 32(Suppl 1):A121
- Renal resistive index and its utility in cirrhotic patients Indian J Gastroenterol (November 2013) 32(Suppl 1):A81
- Gastrointestinal complications in renal allograft recipients- A 5 year retrospective study from a tertiary referral centre. Volume 31, Issue 1 Supplement, November 2012
- Epidemiology of upper gastrointestinal bleed in a tertiary care center. Indian J Gastroenterol (November 2011) 30(Suppl 1):A102
- Clinical profile of eosinophilic gastroenteritis in Kerala. Indian J Gastroenterol (2010) 29 (Suppl 1):A93
- Changing trends in the epidemiology of viral hepatitis A – Asia Pacific congress 2000
- Perforated DU without antiulcer surgery – a five year follow up – Journal of ISG 1994
- Oral mebendazole vs rectal mebendazole in whipworm colitis - Journal of ISG 1994
- Squash cytology compared to forceps biopsy in diagnosis of malignancy- Journal of ISG 1994
- Co-investigator – IBD task force study of Prevalence of IBD in Kerala
- Co-investigator – Chronic pancreatitis in Kerala ( IPANS) - with Prof V Balakrishnan
- Therapeutic endoscopy and ERCP, Therapeutic Endosonography, POEMS, ESD,ESG and TIF
- Teaching and training – 18 DNB trainees in Gastroenterology to date 8 post-doctoral trainees in advanced endoscopy
- Member and Invited faculty to Indian Society of Gastroenterology National meetings.
- Member Association of Physicians of India
- Member Indian Medical Association /li>
- Member Rotary Club of Cochin /li>
- Downtown Member Regional Sports Center Cochin