Best Eye Hospital in Kochi | Medical Trust Hospital

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Home / DEPARTMENTS / Ophthalmology

Medical Trust Hospital offers Ophthalmic services on par with nationally reputed ophthalmic institutes. The Ophthalmology department is well equipped with the latest equipments for evaluation & management of the EYES. An individual personal care is achieved at this department with the help of highly qualified personnel, modern diagnostic equipments and the latest surgical facilities of international standards.

This is also a postgraduate teaching center for DNB.

1. Center of excellence in vitreoretinal disorders

Our department has one of the best vitreoretinal centers in Cochin. Treatment of most retinal disorders like diabetic retinopathy and hypertensive retinopathy require close collaboration with other specialties. Since we have excellent departments in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Neurology, Nephrology & Neonatology complete treatment of the patient as a whole, rather than eye alone is easily achieved.The Ophthalmology department is also one of the few centers in Kerala doing specialized work in the field of Uveal disorders(Uveitis) & Ocular immunology.This is another field where close collaboration with the departments of Internal Medicine & Rheumatology is required .

2. Retinal imaging & Electrophysiology

It is equipped with the latest imaging systems like digital fundus camera from Carl Zeiss, 3 Dimentional spectral domain Optical Coherence Tonography, Ultrasound scan & MRI.

Visual Evoked Potential (VEP), Electro Myography (EMG) also available.

3. Operation theater & Anaesthesia

For retinal microsurgery, we have fully dedicated, state of the art operation theatre with positive pressure ventilation & Laminar airflow.

Unlike conventional eye surgeries, Retinal surgeries require more time and many require general anaesthesia. With the latest anesthetic equipments, patient monitoring systems and highly experienced anesthetists available round the clock, these surgeries are made extremely safe and pleasant for the patient.

Surgical equipments

We have Accurus Vitrectomy system which is one of the best in the world for retinal surgeries.Zeise Lumera microscope with BIOM, as well as wide angle contact lenses & image inverter provides surgeon with excellent view of retina.

Microinstruments for 20 gauge as well as suture less retinal surgery (23 & 25 gauge ) made by Grieshaber is being used.

Regular Outpatient department is equipped with:

  • Auto-refracto-keratometer
  • Takagy slit-lamps
  • Applanation tonometers & Reichert Tonopen
  • Topcon-Indirect Ophthalmoscope
  • Ultrasound-scan
  • Zeiss-Humphery automated perimeter
  • Zeiss Visupack Image archival s
  • Zeiss Visulas – 532 Laser system for Fluorescein angiography / Fundus photography
  • Zeiss Indirect Ophthalmoscope Laser Delivery system
  • Zeiss Yag-II-plus Laser system
  • Opko / 071-3D spectral Optical Coherence Tonography (OCT)
  • Sonomed A Scan
  • Sonomed ultrasound corneal pachymeter

The Operation theatre is equipped with:

  • Carl Zeiss Lumera microscope
  • Wild-Heerbrug Leicca Microscope with X-Y AND digital camera attachment, Image Inverter.
  • Alcon Infinity Phaco emulsification system with additional features like NeoSonix,advantec software for sutureless cataract surgery
  • Accurus Posterior Vitrectomy system.
  • 23 & 25 Gauge vitrectomy instruments, Grieshaber Micro-Instruments
  • BIOM wide angle viewing system for vitrectomy & Retinal surgeries

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