Home / DEPARTMENTS / Nephrology
The Nephrology Department at Medical Trust Hospital is the first unit of its kind in the Kerala Private Sector. The Department has the credit of being the first unit to successfully conduct kidney transplantation. The Department again created history by performing the first cadaver kidney transplant in the State and the Country’s first cadaver registry.
The Department offers world-class infrastructure for all kidney related ailments like Haemodialysis, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD), Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis, Continuous Veno Venous Haemodialysis (CVVHD), Plasmapheresis and Haemoperfusion.
Ultrasound-guided Renal Biopsies, Renal Angiograms and stenting for renal artery stenosis are routinely done in this Deaprtment. Specialised treatment modalities for poisoning, snake envenomation and leptospirosis have also been pioneered by Medical Trust Hospital
ICU handles the treatment of Critically ill renal patient, offering facilities of bed side dialysis, CRRT, SLED etc.
- Routine Nephrology Services in Daily Outpatient Clinics
- Ultrasound Guided Renal Biopsy & Immunofluorescent Studies
- Renal Angiogram
- Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis
- Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)
- Regular Haemodialysis and Insertion of Double Lumen Catheters
- Renal Critical Care Unit
- Treatment of Hypertensive Emergencies
- Snake Bite Treatment
- Toxicology
- Treatment for Leptospirosis/ Dengue and other haemorrhagic fevers
- Arterial Blood Gas Estimation
- PEEP Ventilatory Support for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and Haemorrhagic Alveolitis
- Treatment of Poisoning Cases
- Continuous Veno Venous Haemodialysis (CVVHD)
- Slow Continuous Ultra Filtration (SCUF)
- CRRT - Plasmapheresis / Haemoperfusion
- Kidney Transplantation
- Cadaver Kidney Transplantation
- Registry for Donor and Recipient